To my reckless drivers,
be a source of peace not havoc
tread upon this earth with humility and wisdom
walk upon it with caution and grace
be like the wind as you are
free falling and simple
not a force that is disliked
a wave to not be beckoned with
a tide of destruction
a current that is too untamed to be met with
be like a beacon of light
a guide and inspiration
one that is followed and sought for in the dark horizon
not one that is blinding
and strayed far away from
be like the fire you were born to be
a spark of hope and change
one that is warm and brazen
not one that burns and devours
is feared and hated
be a story of redemption and renewal
not of rebellion and risk
let your actions be that which bring you honour
not that which rob you of it
be like the Prophet, the best role model
be a mentor and a teacher
gentle and loved
soft yet strong
lead those that look up to you
lead those whom you touch lives with
do not give them reasons to stray
leave chaos for serenity
choose to exist and be in this world with a balance that is perfect
we as beings bring good and bad unto the earth
do not let the bad swallow the good
and outweigh your light that was made to shine
remember in the end, each is to their own
it is you who paves your future
and your past is the guidebook
only you will choose the right path to success and wisdom
and no one can ever do it for you.