2 min readJul 14, 2021

Losing You

Disclaimer: This is not romantic nor about one particular person but rather an idea.


“What has reached you was never meant to miss you and what has missed you was never meant to reach you.” Prophet Muhammad


I do not doubt for a second that you are a person of my soul

And you forever will be.

It was through you I learnt the depths of a human connection

Our passions, our lives were once one


The past will always carry through to the now —

Our memories together will always taint my future

What once was will never fade

Never for me.

Our hearts are tied for eternity

and Yet

I can no longer recognise you

Nor you, I

I don’t know what happened between us

Or I do –

but how can I accept it?

We rehearse

and then we recite from a script

Then we move onto the interview


You are on your own journey

But destiny wills that you will not let me accompany you

How can I meet new experiences, find myself, lose myself, change the world, create a new life – but without you?


Fate demands it.


There is this gulf between us

I am here

You are there

And there is an ocean that divides us

One we cannot swim, or one we no longer choose to?

You have taken one path and I another —

I can only pray they converge once more

When you emerge from the forest, will I recognise you

You I?

Or will it be too late?

Will we be rushing to salvage the broken pieces of an object that no longer fulfils its function?

Will we have become two strangers who no longer know one another?


Written by Preservation

I dump some of my raw, unedited thoughts, emotions and ideas here, some refined ones too. It’s a bit of a chaotic, wonderful, mess. Dare to venture within?

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