
3 min readOct 1, 2021


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

I had a thought today.

I stopped for a moment, silenced the world and let it sit.

I realised that is what my writing is

Suppressing every other thought to choose one to give it a slightly longer moment to ponder upon.

The human mind is incredible, the function, potential, mysteries that lie within.

So many thoughts, so many emotions — such a constant unrealised condition.

Today I dissolve the voices of the people around me

I look deep within and ask myself — who is it I really want to be?

To let my flaws comfortably perpetuate?

To be what they know of me?

Or is it to be the person I know I can one day be?

I want a metamorphosis.

I want to abandon the habits and unfavourable traits of yesterday

I want to keep my passionate spirit and my essence,

but I want to let the rest go.

I want to dispel it again and again when it creeps up on me once more

Until eventually it realises it is not welcomed.

I want to give it the cold shoulder, forever.

I want to slowly expel it, till the person of the past is no more

I want my words to be my weapon not my demise

I want my presence to honour and dignify me not humiliate me

I want to be kind, fierce and focused

I want to be disciplined, driven and unstoppable

I want to achieve great things and add light to what I touch

I want to meet people and not let them forget we met

I want to be silent. I want silence. I want to listen.

I want to reflect, reflect, reflect

I don’t want the demons of yesterday to catch up to me

I want to change, change, change

So much so that the shadows will no longer recognise me

I want to be quieter, wiser and more calculated

I want to speak less

But when I speak — I want it to be eloquent and with thought.

I want my words to radiate and hold value when they are uttered

I want to disassociate from the feeling of ease and comfort of falling back

Of being around the people that expect that of me

I want to prove them all wrong.

I want to rise, grow and choose who I get to be be today.

I want to be like my Prophet, I want to be like His companions.

I want to be inspired, I want to be able to inspire.

I want to be a person of Jannah.

Photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash




Written by Preservation

I dump some of my raw, unedited thoughts, emotions and ideas here, some refined ones too. It’s a bit of a chaotic, wonderful, mess. Dare to venture within?

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