Miss Yasmin’s Poem for Me
I know how much you love poetry and spoken word so I wrote this for you. It’s not amazing but it’s something
Contemplate to grow
Appreciate and you will know
That with every struggle there is ease
And every person has called out “please”
In the darkest of night
When the time is just right
Where silence is the only sound
And your heart continues to pound
You call out from the depths of your soul
Ya Rabbi please fill this hole
Of emptiness and pain inside my being
Of loneliness and depression and ignorance, I’m bleeding
Why is all this happening? What is going on
There must be something that I am doing wrong
There has to be a reason that I put my life on hold
Is this a sign that I am getting old
The truth is so much more than what it seems
It is the light source in a dark room that gleams
When my life was twisted and turned
I was distracted from the essence of what I had learned
So my Lord put my life on pause
Just to tell me that your life has a cause
And regardless all of the times that you have forgotten Me
I am right here, I never left you, you see
Even when we sin He calls out to us “oh my slave”
You belong to me even when you misbehave
Believe in heart that Allah SWT wants to hear your voice
And know that Allah SWT is guiding you to a choice
To either keep digging your deep dark hole
Or turn to Allah SWT, He will guide you to your goal.
I love you in the sake of Allah the All Merciful the kind
And I hope that you will allow me to be part of your journey if you do not mind