Navigating the Chaos of the World

2 min readJun 30, 2021


The ethnic cleansing in Palestine, resurfaced once more in our minds with the recent array of crimes has left many Muslims shook with emotion. It is interesting and powerful to witness the impacts that events miles and miles away from us have on our lives and state of well-beings. As a human who hasn’t been exposed to first hand violence and war, it becomes easy to lose sight of the constant oppression happening every single second in the world around us when it isn’t directly affecting us. And so at a certain point we allow ourselves to become desensitised to the crimes around the world. Making sense of it all, navigating around all the pain, injustice & deep rooted history can become overwhelming, dehumanising, confusing and extremely emotional. It seems like the more you learn, the less you know. The fight seems utterly hopeless. And it is in times like this we turn back to Allah in full submission and trust.

To simply put it — how often do we forget the reality of our privilege, the reality the others in our ummah face daily, the reality of this dunya? The way the muslim media is flaring up for the situation in Palestine means that people being bold enough to showcase their sins online has significantly decreased — because it would be a bit vain to see pretty selfies with music in the backgrounds sandwiched between posts of bombs and children dying. It makes me wonder about what our social media presence will be like when Dajjal comes. Although we have been warned over and over again by the most credible of sources (The Quran and Sunnah) of this inevitable event- when it comes, we will be desperate to change our lives. No one will have the audacity to post away their sins or for the matter even continue in their lifestyles that do not bring benefit to their akhira. It’s quite ridiculous really — if we already know it’s coming & we are aware of how near it truly is, why do we continue in a lifestyle that we know will bring us shame when our last breath or the final hour is here?




Written by Preservation

I dump some of my raw, unedited thoughts, emotions and ideas here, some refined ones too. It’s a bit of a chaotic, wonderful, mess. Dare to venture within?

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