3 min readJul 14, 2021

Ramlas Wisdoms

1. ‏الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام‏

2. excessive socialising makes the heart heavy

3. Sleeping after fajr results in fatigue

4. Not being grateful is unfulfilling and a burden on the soul.

5. Keep it moving.

6. Don’t over think

7. Be lowkey b

8. Don’t feel outta place bc of how you may seem or how you may look.

9. Please allah first even if your nafs tells you otherwise

10. Don’t doubt your self

11. Do not underestimate the difficulty of a career path and deem it unworthy.

12. Do whats right even if it’s against yourself

13. If something creates a feeling of doubt and your instinct says otherwise. Leave it. Think about it. Maybe you are ignorant about the matter.

14. Do not mix leisure and work. Both have their own time.

15. Never sit at the back of the bus. Front is safest lol.

16. Oversharing ain’t it. Keep your self to your self. Unless there is a benefit otherwise. (Rarely is).

17. Don’t say too much. Less speech is better! Always.

18. MAINTAIN YOUR NAWAFIL AND WITR- they keep ur iman high and your heart sound. They are your protection.

19. Protect your peace.

20. Let your self rest sometimes. In moderation.

21. When hoyoo makes you do a job, do it! Frees your time in the future and saves you from being tied down by it. Lol

22. Excessive socialisation weighs heavy on the heart. Go back to what eases you. Prayer, obedience to parents and productivity.

23. Have husnul-dhun (good assumption) even when it’s extremely difficult.

24. Do not have the victim mentality. Move beyond it.

25. In circles of backbiting. Leave. It burdens the soul and make you uncomfortable. Seek help in Allah from this sin.

26. After 10 don’t message anymore! You lose self awareness and do/say things you normally wouldn’t. Go to sleep!

27. Say what be said even if it is against yourself and the one you love. On ‏يوم القيامة, we will be before Allah alone.

28. Don’t let praise get to your head and don’t let criticism get to your heart

29. Bruh, say less!

30. Keep your ambitions to your self. Sharing creates a fake sense of accomplishment.

31. When you feel overwhelmed, stressed or just a surge of emotions. Take it to the prayer mat.

32. Don’t let your own issues lead you to treat others differently. What does this say about ur character

33. Check your intentions. Are you intending to please man or الله. Remember – deeds are accepted when you come with iklaas.

34. Accept ur success! Allah has answered yours duas and given you that which you’ve prayed for. Alhamdulillallah

35. Allah hears the caller when he calls. Alhamdulillallah my lord has not forsaken me and he was aware of what i do

36. For emphasis: try to not share too much of your life and what ur doing! The less the people know the more at peace u are.

37. Don’t criticise your self or your appearance in front of others.

38. If you plan to do something alone, keep those plans to yourself

39. When you find yourself sleeping excessively something is wrong.

40. Don’t be a mood kill

41. Don’t go out when you have things to do. Remember first Allah, then yourself, then your family and then your friends. Keep that order. Your time is valuable and so is your state of mind. Prioritise what you need to do!

42. Don’t sleep in too long unnecessarily. It leads to subconscious thinking in your sleep and you wake up oddly slightly sad. Like the shaykh Abdurahman As’Sidi said busy your self. with actions of worldly benefit or actions for the hereafter.


Written by Preservation

I dump some of my raw, unedited thoughts, emotions and ideas here, some refined ones too. It’s a bit of a chaotic, wonderful, mess. Dare to venture within?

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