Here are some of my quick random someday submissions I wrote for MSA’s Got Talent but aren’t actually going to submit. I guess these are on the two extremes, thought I’d chuck em here anyways because “preservation”.
I told my siblings that I lost all my creative juices, my sister suggests I write an acrostic poem — and so I wrote this in a minute for the lols. Kind of liked it not going to lie.
Silly me
On my way to writing a poem
My mind wandered far and wide
Energetic was I
Drowning in my thoughts, I lost my creativity spark
And maybe, someday I’ll find it again
Yay I finished my submission
After writing this piece, I re-learnt something about myself — I really struggle to write based on a specific theme and constraint, it is only when it comes naturally and flows that I am able to produce quality. Reflecting on everything I have ever written — 90% of the pieces are written as a result of emotion and the spur of the moment. Found that quite interesting. Nonetheless here it is and I still like it.
A mother looks at her child through a polished screen and feigns a smile,
Another from across a table as the room shakes with an oppressors silent rage,
And the last rocks her baby from side to side as she shields its innocents ears from a gunshots fire.
Tell me, how am I supposed to feel?
When I witness the breakages of all these unwritten seals?
This is a violation of humanity,
my strangled spirit screams
Mother, how can I live if this is all I see?
All is hopeless, it truly seems.
Mother tells me my empathy will be the death of me
She whispers softly —
oh my daughter, from the sorrows of this world we cannot flee
We are all but roses,
ephemeral and bound to life’s pleas
I know by nature this world was designed to break —
but just for a second, just for one moment,
hear me out, please for my sake
I know someday the children will roam free
I do not doubt our Lords decree
My mother quietly nods and so I dream myself to a place of the imaginary
one with kingdoms and fairies
silk gowns and golden thrones
undying joy and laughter for all of eternity
Mother tells me Jannah is whatever I wish it to be
Someday, all the pain of our mothers will come to a cease,
and together we will bathe under the golden sun and the winds cool breeze
But as for now we hold on tight to Allah's rope
and pray we do not lose hope.
because it is written fate,
that freedom awaits
not today,
but someday we will be free.