The Language of the Soul
You know those days where your heart feels agitated, unsettled, and other words your vocabulary list simply falls short on when in an attempt to put a label to it?
The language of the soul and the way the heart just feels is not something that is easily translated. It’s not worth living a half life seeking to be understood and wasting time trying to explain to others what this is. Instead, choose a lifestyle, friends, a lover, asking yourself one question – do they speak the language of my soul? I’ve come to learn that ties are not measured by experience, history or age, they are measured by connection. Allah, the turner of hearts, naturally places emotions in a heart the way He wishes – so there are no random emotions. He brings souls who have been strangers forever together and tears souls who have known each other for eternity apart. It is such a perplexing yet beautiful dichotomy.
You don’t owe anyone anything except for not breaching their rights, you are not wrong for feeling a disconnect or a connect. The heart works in funny ways and sometimes you must simply just surrender your soul to its natural inclinations.
Do not dismiss your gut, the subtle signs because these are the little things with big implications.
Don’t dwell on your past and use that to dictate your present.
Follow the wind & if your map is not crooked, allow your heart to venture.
Seek souls that are evergreen.