Jul 12, 2021


The Sweetness of the Mosque

Photo by DiChatz on Unsplash

I hear the Athan bell

and embrace the nostalgic nights smell

The people crawl out from their homes

leaving their buzzing phones


Alive is the night,

oh what a sight!

The wind comes to life

A husband and a wife

A mother and her kids

People in their mid’s


Once a secluded building, now sought

It is surely not for naught?

I’ve missed these nights of taraweeh in you —

prayer, silence, tranquility is the cue

The busy hustling

and all our bustling

pauses for a brief and beautiful time

like this rhyme.


Together in the tens of thousands we stand,

with no specific brand

Muslims from all the lands

Our brother and sisters in Islam

All belonging to the same fam —

because united we stand

worshipping none,

except for the exalted one.




I dump some of my raw, unedited thoughts, emotions and ideas here, some refined ones too. It’s a bit of a chaotic, wonderful, mess. Dare to venture within?