To المجيب,
And your Lord says, ‘Call on Me, I will answer you (your prayer). (Qur’ān 40:60)
Supplication is the essence of worship.(Tirmidhī)
Allah has ninety nine names and whoever preserves them will enter Paradise. (Muslim)
Allah's bounties are limitless and it is only when we turn to Him, our horizons have the power to become expanded.
Allah may He be exalted, says, “I am as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him when he remembers Me.”
When I reflect on this promise by Allah I am left struck each time. The power of Allah is only limited when we allow it to be — it is dependent on us. Allah does not lie, do we comprehend what that means? When He tells us that he will be what we think of Him, then that is fact. Allah's love, mercy, bounty, care, etc has no limits — it is our minds which do. When we are conscious of Him, call to Him and have good assumptions of Him — there is certainty that our affairs will be taken care of in a way we can’t even begin to imagine.
“If you knew how Allah deals with your affairs for you, your heart would break out of love for him”(Imam Shafi’ee)
Don’t allow your own limited intellect to limit that which is limitless.
Each name and attribute of Allah is beautiful and strikes a different chord within my heart, and yet Al-Mujeeb the one who is Ever-Responsive — continues to resonate with me in one of the deepest ways. It reminds me that Allah, is the one who will always respond to my helpless spirit, desperate cries or even the mindless ones — even when I do not deserve it. So astoundingly comforting and beautiful.
Ya العزيز
You are the Greatest, yet from the Greatest my heart has strayed
I have forgotten you so I beg that you remind me once more and allow me to fasten my grasp on your rope
Ya ٱلْرَّحْمَـانُ
My heart is dark and plagued, my faith is low
Forgive me and wipe away my sins to allow your light to seep into my heart
Ya الفتاح
Open the doors of knowledge and productivity for me
Of sincerity and growth
Open the doors of that which seems impossible
And do not make me from amongst the heedless who neglect the bounties of opportunities you provide everyday in multitudes
Ya المجيب
I am lost and directionless without you
I turn to none but you to answer my deepest wants and needs
Please purify my intentions and keep my heart firm in its remembrance of you
Ya الْمُهَيْمِنُ
You are my Guardian — guard me from the destruction of my desires
Guard me from the fitnah of this time and from that which plagues the heart
Ya الْمُتَكَبِّر
You are the most supreme and it is only to you that I turn and beg to
Do not make me blind and ungrateful to your power and might
Ya النور
Fill my sight with your Noor
Let my world be encompassed by it
Ya الْجَبَّارُ
Heal me and bring my soul back to life through your remembrance
Take from me my pain and let that be transformed into my blessings
Ya اَلْعَلِيْمُ
It is only you who knows what truly rests within the vaults of my heart
So let what rests be pure, and only for your sake
Let whatever occupies it be an occupation that pleases you
Ya الحيض
Guide my heart to only crave that which you love
And do not guide it to act for the gaze of the people or for materialistic gains
Guide me so I am able to make every action and every moment in time add to my scale of good deeds
Ya الولي
You are my Bestfriend that will never leave me and will always know what I need
Never forsake me and never allow me to forsake you
Ya الْخَافِضُ
You are the Reducer — the only one who is able to take away from me that which overwhelms me
Make all my tasks, responsibilities, hopes and dreams possible
Reduce the stress, avoidance and distraught they bring upon me
Give me victory over what I want to achieve for your sake and bring ease to the journey
Ya الْبَاسِطُ
Expand for me what I can achieve and make my gains endless
It is only you who can provide for me and thus it is only you whom I turn to
Ya الرَّزَّاقُ
Provide me from your endless bounties —
Bless me with good company, a good home and goodness in everything
Ya الکریم
Your generosity has no limits and so I ask that you shower your blessings upon me and those I love
Allow your mercy, gifts and provisions to be handed to us
And allow them to not be a test for us instead used for your pleasure
Ya اللطيف
Take care of my fragile soul and nurture it with your tarbiya in the most subtle and beautiful of ways
I am your sinful, forgetful slave but please do not forsake caring for me
Ya الغافر
Continue to forgive and forgive and forgive
I am forever in need of your forgiveness
Make me amongst those who are humbled and are constantly seeking your mercy with an intense thirst
Ya الصَّمَدُ
Allow me to only depend and gain my provisions from you
It is only you that must be the foundations for everything in my life
Allow my entire existence to revolve around you.
— from your very regretful and humbled slave —